Celebrating 12th Year Celebrating 12th Year
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Your Business Solutions Partner
Celebrating its 28th year, Activecom specializes in Information Technology.
Today's conditions demand a strong partner that can leverage resources and reduce cost.
Activecom aims to be that partner today and tomorrow...

IT Consulting

Whether you have 5 computers or 500, work from a single location with ADSL Internet access or multi state, multi location enterprise, we can help you achieve a higher standard in utilizing technology.

Internet Services

Activecom started operations as a local Internet Service Provider (ISP) back in 1997 providing residential and commercial Internet services to customers throughout Central Florida. Helping our customers make the most of Internet is still an important part of our business.


Voice Over IP and intelligent IP telephone systems are vital technologies to take advantage of for any successful business. Activecom has extensive expertise in this area and provides retail and wholesale solutions.

Application Development

Activecom also provides services for Internet and mobile application development projects.

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